
Maximize collaboration for consultants & collaborators

Unlock the power of collaboration in Part3! Discover how easy it is for Consultants, GCs, Owners, and more to work together, seamlessly.

Mar 22, 2024

About the webinar

Explore how Part3 can bring your team together for submittal and RFI management!

This session uncovers how Part3 can streamline review processes, enhance communication, and foster efficient responses to Submittals and RFIs.

The session features:

  • Full demo of how to get started in Part3

    • Account set up 

    • Submittal reviews

    • RFI responses

    • In-app communication

    • Tasks and reminders

  • Insights, tips, and real-world examples to propel your team towards success

👉 Book a personalized demo today to see how our construction administration platform can work for your business!


00:00 - When you're a consultant and you're coming in, what do the main workflows look like for you? So, we're going to give you the tools to just get up and running in Part3, which, you know, should take you like five minutes. And then we're just going to cover the submittal and RFI workflows. Obviously, everyone knows those are the main documents that you get on a project. So, we're going to focus on those ones today, but we'll be holding more webinars in the future, so that, you know, you can get involved in change flows, quote reviews, everything else that Part3 has to offer in terms of CA workflows. But today, we'll focus on submittals and RFIs, because those are everyone's favorite. And I don't think I've ever heard of a project that didn't contain them. If you've ever come across that, super interested to talk to you.

00:47 - As a prime consultant on this call, we want to arm you with all of that information. When you have a consultant and you've invited them into Part3, we just want to show you the benefits so you can share with them why come into Part3. You know, you're introducing them to a new software, but what does this mean for them? And if you're a consultant that's coming to Part3, why should you work in Part3 and how will that actually help you? So, make sure that you drop your questions along the way in the chat, and we're going to save 15 minutes at the end of this so that we can go through those questions and comments and just answer anything that we can. If we don't have a chance to get to everything, our promise will follow up afterwards and answer any of those questions.

01:35 - First of all, some of the benefits of Part3, obviously, I'm very biased in my opinions, but I think that we just really want to highlight for you guys what you might be experiencing now and what you can kind of show your consultants in terms of tasks and tracking. Again, as a CA working for an architect, you might have one or two projects, but your client might be juggling a lot more projects. And so, it's how do you stay at the top of their mind? How can you make sure that they're responding to things? I myself was one of those people being like, "Hey Matt, can I please have that? Can I please have that?" And it's really hard to keep track of everything that you have to do on every single project, so I definitely feel your pain with that. And we really just want Part3 to be the source of truth, so you know where everything stands, all of your tasks are automated. You know, we're trying to do all that heavy lifting and reduce all those manual things that you would normally have to do.

02:32 - And I just want to comment as well, so even in the Q&A session, you're dropping your comments and questions. As a consultant, I would really love to know your experience of coming into Part3. What were some of the blockers that you experienced? Did you feel like, you know, you should have got a kickoff call, like any thoughts that you have about how we could improve that? And if you're a prime consultant and you invited anyone into Part3 and you got some, you know, kickback or people weren't super keen on joining a new platform, I'd love to hear your comments on that. Again, we just want to make sure that every time we are improving Part3, shipping new features, and enhancing things, that we're really creating what people want. I think for us, the feedback from you guys is super, super valuable, and we really want to build a product based on real feedback from our users and from the industry. So, drop those comments along the way.

03:35 - I'm going to jump into the demo now. So, I'll go through the demo, and then we'll make sure that we come back and ask any comments at the end. So, as I'm going through those, just drop it, and Jess will keep track of all that for us. Okay, so I assume everyone can see Part3. All good? Okay, so when you come into Part3, one of the things that I wanted to talk about is obviously the tasks. And as I mentioned, you're going to have a lot of different tasks on your projects, and it's really hard to keep track. So, the idea as a consultant coming in is that this is the only page that you really need to concern yourself with. You don't need to worry about everything else that's going on in Part3. If your main goal here is just to focus on what you need to do, view this page. You can jump and click right into these documents. We really just want to streamline this. So, for example, since I'm going over RFIs and shop drawings today, I'll click into a shop drawing that is assigned to me that I need to contribute to.

04:45- So, you can see when you come in, you'll see a cover page, and that will include your company logo if you upload that into Part3, and your disclaimer as well for your individual company. So, we don't want you to assume that you come into a program and you lose your company standards, you know, you lose your logo. You obviously have legal language that your company has for shop drawing reviews and other documents, so we make sure that you can include that, and you're not just being forced to work in another way. And then you're going to see any attachments here, so all of the shop drawings will have been uploaded by your prime consultant or they will have been uploaded by the GC, because we do give GCs that functionality to upload RFIs and submittals and quotes in Part3. We know a lot of GCs have their own tools, which is awesome, but if you don't, you can definitely leverage Part3.

05:43 - When you come in, you'll see our standard annotation tools, and we have most of the basics that you would typically use on a shop drawing review. So, we have our text comments, you know, bubbles, shapes, arrows, all of that standard stuff. You can view this in full screen if you have a shop drawing that is really big, you know, sometimes you'll get a curtain wall or structural steel shop drawing, and it's just too big to review here, and you really want to use Bluebeam. Bluebeam is a great tool, especially for those bigger packages. ​​So, if you're using a Bluebeam session, you might see your architect drop in this session link here, and that would pop up at the top for you. 

06:22 - So, if that's something that you are using internally, we're just going to surface that information. And also, you can download the document. So, if you download this and you mark it up outside, you can just come and drag and drop that later on when you're done. So, you know, ideally everyone's commenting on this at one time, but you can also just have that flexibility to drag and drop your own document after you've reviewed it. One of the big things here as well is we really want you guys to have that collaboration and in-app experience. So, I'm sure if your experience was like mine, you may have a hundred emails today, and that really sucks. 

07:17 - You can't possibly look at all those in one day, and things are getting lost. So, you can @mention people here, and it will notify people, and you can ask a question. So, I could say, "Can you review the dimensions and comment?" and just would get a notification that I asked her a question. So, this is really beneficial in terms of minimizing emails. And also, when you come back six months later and the door's being installed on-site, you can recall all the conversations that you had here. 

08:11 - And as consultants, we wanted to mimic that outside environment for you. So, this comments area is only visible to consultants, so you can chat in that safety knowing that if a GC comes in here or an owner, and you didn't want to share that information with them because sometimes that happens, then you can just keep everything here. So, once you're finished your review, you can use our stamp feature. So, we let you in your profile upload your own stamps, again based on your company standards. What things look like after this call, I'll follow up and show you how to do that. We have a lot of help resources, but this will be one of the first things that you get set up in Part3, just so that you can hit the ground running with your actual submittal reviews. So, you'll just click the stamp, find a white space on the drawing to drop it, which is sometimes difficult, and then you're ready to go. 

08:34 - So, all you're going to do is set your review status. So, here, I'm the prime consultant, so I can answer on behalf of all the consultants. So, I'll set my status here. I'll say this is reviewed as noted, and I'll submit my review. So, I get a date and time stamp of when I submitted my review. My review status goes on the cover page as well as any comments. So, as you're updating your comments, you can just set your status. Everything will show up here on the cover page for you. And again, just for this example, I'll upload the structural review. 

09:15 - So, even though electrical said it's reviewed, you know, Part3 will take the worst-case scenario in a sense [that] this is overall reviewed as noted. After everyone's completed their review, the prime consultant on the project, so in this case, it's architectural, it's me, I act as the gatekeeper. So, electrical will complete the review, you'll get notified of that, and then when you're coming in and you're happy with all the comments, you can return the file.

09:43 - So, your architect will do this step for you, or the prime consultant, and they can select what they want to send back. So, if you have a few different versions that have been uploaded, they can select which version they want to send back. Then they're going to return that. It's going to go to the distribution list, which they'll have set up. And then, of course, you can go through the flow. If this was revised and resubmit, your GC will send you a new version. You can go through, revise, you can download it, and you can reopen the document too. So, the architect has the ability to reopen this. 

10:18 - So, if you, let's say, @mention them and you're saying, "Oh, actually, I forgot to include this dimension," or "I wanted to include that comment," they can reopen the document for you, and you can revise your review and resend it. So, you can still use the chat functionality even after a document's been issued. So, that's kind of, you know, a quick overview of what submittals look like in Part3 in a standard Part3 project that's not connected to Procore, 

10:44 - I'll go over RFIs now, and then I'll show you a little preview of what it looks like for Procore-connected projects. We have a lot of users that have a Procore connection, which is awesome because then you don't need to go into Procore; you can just work in Part3. So, I'll finish going through the standard flow, and then I'll make sure that we jump into that and show you. 

11:03 - Now, you can see I completed that task. I contributed to it; it's off my list of my to-dos, and now I'll jump into this RFI. So, I need to contribute to this one. I can see that there's a question here, and I can also see that there's an attachment. If you don't see the question here, just open up the attachment. Sometimes when a general contractor sends an RFI, they usually send it as a PDF, so sometimes you won't see the question. It just depends on how the RFI was uploaded. 

11:32 - We have the same thing here, a cover page. It'll be your logo, your response as you continue to go through your review. So, you can use the annotation tools here as well if you want to just mark up your comment here. So, maybe I'll say, "Refer to comments on the attachment," and I'll submit my response. Again, I get the time and date stamp. If I drop this down, I can see my comments, but they'll all come in on the cover page. You have the same comments feature, so everything here at the bottom will show you the history. 

12:05 - You can see when things are updated; we'll always keep track of all these files for you. So, if you accidentally delete this, it'll still live down here. You don't need to worry about that. And the comments, of course. So, you'll see this across basically every workflow in Part3, just to make sure that we're actually giving you that continuity. Once you learn one flow, we like to think that it's intuitive, and you can pick up another flow. So, this is very similar to submittals. You can see the due dates on the side here, and that's important too. If a due date is set, your architect typically sets that up based on the contractual review periods, and they can also set up reminder schedules. 

12:46 - I know that reminder schedules can be good and bad, so we don't want to overwhelm you with emails, but your prime consultant has the ability to send you those nudges and reminders because you have so many things that you're juggling on your plate. You know, it's just important to get those email reminders sometimes. Oh, sorry, hi. We have a question that's coming that I think is relevant to maybe the screen that you're showing. 

13:16 - Does the GC interface look the same as it would the prime consultant and what those differences may be? Yeah, definitely. So, a GC will only see what they've uploaded here. They don't see any of the comments. For them, when they come in, it will just see these blue under review marks, so all of this is kind of hidden for GC. They'll see that the RFI is there, that it exists; they won't see any comments until you're ready to formally return the document. 

13:44 - We still try and mimic that environment [as if] you were working off of like your own server or your own process, a GC couldn't come in and see that. So, we do have different permissions based on if you're a GC, if you're a subcontractor, any of that stuff. As long as it's in process with the consultants, they don't see anything. So again, when you return it, you get to pick which document you want to send back. The architect will be doing this, and same thing, you have a few different options. You can reopen it, or you can price it. Obviously, we don't want to encourage pricing on an RFI, but it's there should that result in a price. So, that is kind of the basic flow. 

14:29 - One other thing to mention here is we have this revise button. So, if you're a general contractor on this call and you get a response from the consultants, but you need more information, you could say, "Missing dimensions on page three," and then you can pick who you want to notify. So, maybe I want to notify this prime consultant, and I'll request a revision. Similarly, if you're the consultant and the prime consultant, you can request a revision. Maybe you can say the question's unclear, I need more information before I can actually respond to this. So again, you can keep this back and forth in Part3, super handy when you're on site. 

15:10 - When you revisit this question four months later, and you need to figure out what happened, what exactly was this conversation, instead of digging through a bunch of emails, thinking like, "Oh, I talked about concrete at this column," that would be a very hard thing to search in your email. So, you can come back here when you're at the actual logs view. While we have the tasks at the overview page, you can just filter on my tasks. Like, I don't want to see anything else. Oh, look, I completed all my tasks. That's great! So, I'm just going to focus on what I need to do. 

15:46 - If I'm interested in, you know, I want to see what electrical tasks there are and maybe I also want to see which electrical tasks are with Caesar, then I can apply all these filters. So, you know, you can use these filters to just narrow down your search. You know, don't muddy the waters with anything else. Just figure out what you need to do. And same with the submittals page. You can just view your tasks. Typically, anything that's blue will be a task that's associated with you that you need to contribute to. So, that is the standard flow for what you'll see for submittals and RFIs. All of this lives at the logs view. And again, just keeping an eye on your overview page for all the tasks that you need to contribute to. Once you've contributed to them, you're done; it's disappeared and you've done your job.

16:34 - I'll jump in quickly to show you what this looks like if you are on Procore. So, Part3 will look exactly the same. There'll be a few differences. We have a status, and this is mimicking what Procore does. So, when Procore and Part3 are connected, we're letting the GC stay in the environment that they want to work in, and we're letting Part3 contributors and consultants work in an environment that benefits them. 

17:01 - So, you don't need to go into Procore anymore; all this information syncs for you. Here I filtered down to my tasks. I just want to see what I need to contribute to. So, there's a few different nuances here. I can see that there's a ball and court. So, this is something that's different when you're in a Procore-connected project. If you see your name in the ball and court, then you'll have the option to return this. But you can see here that Dwight invited me as a collaborator. That means that I'm going to go into this section, step one, where I've been invited to contribute. So, if you're a consultant and the GC hasn't specifically called you out to contribute something in your individual step, you might be contributing under your architect's step. 

17:49 - So, I could say, "Um, landscape reviewed as noted in the comments attached." And you can also select which document you want to review, or you can just drag and drop additional documents. So, if you wanted to include, you know, a cut sheet or a picture, anything like that, you could do that. So, you just need to make sure if you're a collaborator here, you'll see your name here, and you won't see "return to Procore"; you'll see "send to Dwight." So, I'm happy with my response; I'm going to send it to Dwight, and only he will have the option to return this to Procore. Again, you've done your job; you don't need to worry about anything else. They get notified. So, all you need to think about here is the step that you included in, and it will be highlighted in this blue box. 

18:35 - So, if you don't see your name in this area, you're good; you can't action it yet. And again, that's just mimicking the flow that's been established by your general contractor. Again, we still have all the comments feature under here, letting consultants work in Part3. You're not dictated by Procore. Even if the Procore connection gets lost or you know, access is taken away at the end of a project, for example, everything remains in Part3. You'll always have this data. So, that's one of the benefits as well. If you're a prime consultant and you're losing that data or you think that you've lost that data, now you still have it in Part3. You have all the PDFs, all the final outputs; like you're good in that sense. 

19:20 - One thing to note here as well is if you have that "return to Procore" button, it'll go to returned. Again, you've done your job; only the GC can close it. So, you don't have to worry about this moving down a further status; you just need to go through and return it. RFIs are a little bit different, so I'll jump into that. Again, I've narrowed this down to my tasks. I could continue to add filters if I wanted to. So, for this one, there's a few people that have this "ball and court" option. So, you know, there's three of us here, and I'll have this response button. So, I can add a response. I've already added one, so maybe I need to edit it or maybe I need to delete it. 

20:04 - In another scenario where you're not ball in court, so for example, this one, I have a ball in court, but let's say I wanted to invite someone else to contribute. I need to bring Corey in; he wasn't included by the general contractor, but I think that he should contribute to this RFI. I need his opinion on something. Now he has the ability to come in and add a response. So, if you're a consultant, this is likely what you'll see in Part3. You'll see that you can add a response, but you won't have this "return to Procore" button, and you can only return to Procore if you enter a response. So, if there's nothing there, we don't let you return it because obviously, there's nothing there; there's nothing to send back. But if you're a person here, you add your response; you won't have the return to Procore option because it's not your ball in court, but your prime would be notified that you added your response. And again, your job is done; you've completed your task.

21:03 - RFIs and submittals look slightly different in Part3, and that's because we're just mimicking what Procore does. So, those steps are dictated, but we allow the prime consultant flexibility in terms of adding people, removing people from the step, and letting you guys really collaborate. One thing before we jump into any Q&A, I just want to highlight here, the question mark in the bottom right corner. This is so you can reach out to us for support anytime. So, if you wanted to learn about Procore, you could type in "Procore" here. If you're a consultant and you want to know about Part3, we have a "Welcome to Part3" for consultants. 

21:46 - How you can get started as a consultant and a collaborator, what it looks like if you're issuing changes, and everything like that. Or you can just use this question to ask us about anything. Using this "Ask" to reach out to support at Part3, this helps us. It's better than emailing because we can see where you are in the app. So, we know, "Okay, Jeff is on this RFI, and he has a question." It just helps us jump in a little bit quicker and help you troubleshoot, answer your question, anything you need to do. 

22:16 - So, always using this help beacon down here is really helpful for us, and it gives us a head start. The entire team will see it as well, so Jess and me both—Jess is our team—will see this, and everyone will be there. It really surfaces it for everybody. So, that is our general run-through of everything: tasks, RFIs. I will follow up with a document afterward about getting your account set up. 

22:47 - But once you've come into Part3, verified your account, you can go in here to your account settings, write your title, add your stamps. This is where you'll authorize your Procore connection. And this is just really saying, "Hi Procore, me Jeff, I can send back responses." That's it; that's all you need to worry about. And you can also set your email preferences here. We like to encourage people to leave it on "assigned to me." You can also say, "Don't bother me at all"; you have a few different options here. I'll follow up with all that information afterward as well. Okay, Jess, I'll hand it over to you to kind of let me know if there are any questions.

23:27 - Yes, before we get into questions, we do have Matt who loves the Dwight shout-out in this presentation, so thank you for catching on to that. But we have Michael who's asking, "We currently have prime consultant architectural separated in Part3. Is there any way we should revise this as an organization or is this done on a project-by-project basis?"

23:51 - So, the permissions are set at the project level, but if your organization is currently architectural prime, then that is kind of the default that you will come into here. So, for example, at the organization level, Part3 is architectural. I could revise that here at the project level if I wanted to, but Part3 will always have that prime consultant role. So, if you're an engineer, for example, who we have quite a few in Part3, maybe your discipline is mechanical and electrical. So, in that case, you could revise that architectural is our standard, but you could revise it at a project-by-project level.

24:35 - Awesome. And then one last question here is from Emma, wanting to know, "Is there a welcome to Part3 orientation or walkthrough for GCs?" We have some welcome information in terms of the functionality that they have, but I think that's a great idea. We could definitely host a webinar on that. And I think the reason that we want to introduce these webinars is because we're really aware that when people buy Part3 as a prime consultant, we're giving them an onboarding, and you as a GC or a consultant are likely feeling like, "What the heck is this? Why do I have to do this now, and what does it mean for me?" So, I think that's a really good idea for a next webinar so we can kind of narrow down from like an individual perspective of what that looks like for you, your functionality, and also the benefits for you.

25:32 - Awesome, that's all the questions that we have. I think we can still open it up since we have a little bit of time if anyone wants to comment on any of their experiences with consultants or collaborators bringing them into Part3. Or maybe you are one yourself, or you can drop it in the chat. There's still a few minutes here. Now we're shy today. Have they used this video to train our consultants?

26:00 - Yes, so we can definitely pass this on. We've recorded it, and I'll send a few little keynotes afterward because we know everyone that signed up. So yeah, I'll send a few little links afterward, and we can send this video as well. Also, I'm sure anyone who knows me, if you've interacted with me, I love a Loom video. So I will probably put something together. I don't know if people like my videos, but I like making them. I think that they're helpful. So yeah, I'll put something together and include that in the email, and I'll also throw it into our help center. So we have our own dedicated area for consultants and collaborators, so I'll put a link in here with a video, and hopefully, this can be somewhere where this will live all the time and a good link for inviting your consultants into Part3. Awesome. And then we have a few more coming in. 

26:59 - Now we've got Sean who's asking, in submittals, “Can we change the order of the columns in the log view?” Okay, so all submittals are here. We can't reorder the columns right now, but we have always thought of what is actually useful for people. So we have, you know, the date created, things like that, but it would be really great to get some feedback from you guys. Is all of this useful information to you? What other things would you like to see? For example, we've had a lot of feedback that people would like to see a ball and court column. So that's something that we're going to introduce for both Procore and non-Procore connected projects just to figure out where the bottlenecks are and everything like that, not to point fingers, but sometimes you just need to know what's holding things up. So that's definitely a piece of feedback that we've had. Awesome. Yeah, Sean just specified that he would like to have the reference number first, so we can definitely put that in as a request and see what happens there.

28:08 - I'm just going through; we've got a few more here. “Is there a way to designate a person to be the default manager for RFIs, submittals, etc. from the Prime's office currently?” I believe it's just the architect as the default. Right, so at the team level here, we have a few different roles here. So if you are a multidisciplinary firm, I'll just go over this first, and then I'll dive in a little bit more. So you have this option as the prime consultant, or you could just limit a person to that specific type of consultant. So depending on the role here, that kind of helps the functionality at the document level. If I go back into a submittal here, architectural, I can set this person as the default. So anytime an RFI or submittal is created, I can make myself the default. 

29:00 - I'll always be the one who's notified for that, and I'm the gatekeeper. If you are a prime consultant, you can definitely pick if you want someone else to be. We are releasing a feature in a couple of weeks to add multiple assignees. So this is something that we've heard from users for a really long time, is that if you at a firm, say you're mechanical, it's not necessarily just going to be one person; you might have three people on your team who have the ability to respond to an RFI or submittal. So we're going to let you set a primary reviewer from that firm and then also add additional assignees to those documents. So that's something that's coming out in a couple of weeks that our team's been working on because we know that's feedback that we've had from a lot of users is we need to add that flexibility to mimic how a real team works.

29:50 - Awesome. And Andrea is saying, "I've not used Part3 but on one small project thus far, but I found the submittal status confused, and some were highlighted blue, and some weren't. Is there something that the GC needs to do to learn this or something I can do better?" Lucky for you, Andrea, we have our product designer on this call as well. So, Andrea, do you mean are you a general contractor or a consultant just to clarify?

30:18 - I am a consultant. I don't have my Procore open right now or my Part3, sorry. But I just, like, when I would get a submittal, there would be a ton of them in there, and some of them would say open, and some of them would say, um, I don't even remember what the other status was, but it wasn't—it was hard for me to find which ones I needed to address and that were really for me. So I would have to go through and like click on them and open them and try and see if it was for me or not. And I do think that column of adding the ball in court will help that situation, but the status just seemed confusing, and I don't know if it was just the lack of the GC not understanding what status they needed to set it to. And this is connected, right?

31:08 - Yes, okay, this project is [connected] yes. So if I go back to my Procore project here again, anything that has my ball in court should be highlighted in blue for you. But if I'm looking at all of the tasks, probably in your scenario, I would encourage you to figure out like, I want to look at the Procore state. This is open, and I just want to look at what is assigned to me so I know that these are the open submittals and these are the ones that include my name, and then any blue ones would be an action item for you.

31:39 - So for example, for this one, I'm coming in and I need to respond, but for another one, I've likely already responded. Then yeah, it wasn't ever consistent on like which ones were blue. Because there were some that I needed to address that weren't in blue, and so that was confusing. And again, I don't know if that's something from how the GC is uploading them. Yes, like I have pending, open, and then it returned, and closed now. But that's because the project's almost over. But like when I was in the middle of it, there was another status that was very similar to open, and so I couldn't tell if just looking in that column if I needed to address it or not. And again, the blue highlights didn't seem to be consistent, but maybe that bug has kind of been fixed or something. And again, maybe it's the connection to Procore, I don't know.

32:38 - Yeah, I mean, either way, after this, shoot us a message in this ask [section], and that way I can see what project you're working on and I can have a look for you as well. Sometimes there are those scenarios where GC will fill the project with pending submittals, but they'll also assign consultants at the same time, and it's like, well, I don't have a submittal to review yet, they're just putting them in as placeholders. So those ones definitely get confusing where they shouldn't be. I don't want to see those yet.

33:09 - No, exactly. That's not your responsibility. It's like, ‘send it to me when I need to do something; otherwise, leave me alone’. So yeah, I definitely get that. But yeah, shoot us a message down here, and I can look into that project for you. Okay, thank you.

33:23 - Yeah, no worries. John is asking, "Is there a way to change who is the ball in court for Procore projects? Currently, only the ball in court person can return RFIs and submittals back to Procore." Yeah, unfortunately, that's a limitation of Procore and the way the GC sets it up. One way that you can kind of get around this is having that conversation with your GC about who they put in the ball in court. 

33:53 - So for example, if Jess and I are both in this step but we both have this required comment, which means the GC won't let us return something until both people have a response. So if that's a scenario that you're coming across, I would get them to remove that requirement so either Jess or I could respond and return it. This kind of locks it in place as Jess here has the ball in court, unfortunately, even though she's finished, I can't return it for her because it's her review. I've already completed mine. So getting them to remove that requirement is something that's helpful, but it's kind of establishing that with your GC along the way, hopefully at the beginning of the project to say like, these are our house rules for the project, and this is how we want to work. But sometimes that's a conversation because all we can do is mirror what's in Procore.

34:52  - And last here is Tracy said, "Can we also go over quotes and COSOs at some point?" Yes, definitely. We'll have a webinar about quotes, really taking you through that change flow. So we'll go from [the] proposed change, quote, change order like that typical flow. I'll make sure that we put that out there in the world very shortly and also invite primes and consultants again, giving people that flexibility to work in Part3. For consultants, we don't want to force you to work the Part3 way; we just want to help you collaborate and be in one spot. So we'll go over that. I'll make sure that I post it in the app again at that top panel to register for that one. It'll probably be in a few weeks, but definitely, and any other webinar ideas that you have would be really, really helpful for us so we make sure that we're answering the questions that you guys have. Thank you, Jessica.

35:47 - No worries, awesome. That is it from the questions and comments, and we're right on time. Perfect, thanks, everyone, for joining. Really appreciate it. If you didn't get a chance to ask a question or you think of something later on, just use this ask afterwards. Jess and I will both see it and we'll monitor that. And then Andrea just shoots that message.

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